Eric Nelson

Eric Nelson

Eric J Nelson, MD, PhD, MS, FAAP

Associate Professor
University of Florida

"Back to the Future: Discovering a pathway to shorten antibiotic regimens that maintain efficacy and better mitigate resistance."
Pre-Conference Student Symposium | May 16, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

“Microbial Mashup at the Host-Pathogen-Phage-Antibiotic Intersection: Impacts on Cholera Outbreak Response?”
Addressing the Gaps: Intersections in One Health | May 17, 8:30 - 9:30 am ET

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Pediatric healthcare equity has been my research priority for two decades. I am trained clinically in pediatrics at Stanford University and scientifically in microbial pathogenesis at Tufts University. I hold faculty positions in the Department of Pediatrics, College of Public Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute. Our strategy has been to use cholera as a model to discover opportunities to improve clinical and scientific response to large-scale infectious disease outbreaks. The premise is that outbreaks prey most on marginalized populations, and improving outbreak response for these populations conveys equity. Cholera has devastating impacts on poor and vulnerable populations worldwide and shares commonalities with other diarrheal diseases that collectively represent the second leading cause of death for children between the ages of 1 month and 5 years of age. Clinically, we ask how we might leverage emerging technology to improve access to high-quality care, including increased antibiotic stewardship. To do this we build mHealth technologies to identify, map and better manage diarrheal disease outbreaks, as well as validate these technologies in clinical trials globally. Scientifically, the clinical trials we conduct inform our ambitious basic science agenda to define how the selective pressures of antibiotics and lytic bacteriophage impact diarrheal disease severity, disrupt the commensal intestinal microflora, select for antibiotic and bacteriophage resistance, influence transmission and augment diagnostic performance. The integration of clinical trials and basic science has made for impactful translational research that benefits patients and improves our fundamental understanding of pathogenesis, disease transmission, antimicrobial resistance and diagnostic design requirements. I have the fortunate position to be a member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Task Force on Cholera Control. This positions allows impactful two-way communication. I can directly convey clinical and scientific discoveries to those that make policy at the WHO, and receive an actionable research agenda on what is needed by WHO to better respond to cholera outbreaks and the challenge of AMR in general.