Jolieke van Oosterwijk

Jolieke van Oosterwijk

Jolieke van Oosterwijk, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer
US Biologic, Inc

“Oral Vaccination as a Tool to Reduce AMR – Challenges, Strategies, and Successes.”
Addressing the Gaps: Emerging Technologies | May 17, 9:30 - 10:30 am

Dr. van Oosterwijk received her BSc degree from the University College Utrecht in pre-med and medicinal chemistry, MSc degree in Molecular Medicine from the Charité Medical School in Berlin, and her PhD in Translational Science/Oncology from the Leiden University Medical Centre. After earning her PhD, she functioned as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in pharmaceutical sciences and then transitioned to working as a Research Associate at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in tumor cell biology. At US BIOLOGIC, Dr. van Oosterwijk leads all development of US BIOLOGIC’s OrisBio platform, including orally delivered antimicrobials and vaccines for animals and humans. Most recently, she is leading development of a novel chewable vaccine to reduce pandemic influenza.