
NIAMRRE Welcomes New Member: UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

By Erica Baker posted 12-17-2020 11:00 PM


The National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education (NIAMRRE), a member organization that drives cross-sector engagement and coordinated action to combat the global threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), is pleased to announce UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine as a new academic member.

UC Davis joins NIAMRRE’s ten academic member institutions, two affiliates, and two startup industry members. As a group of dedicated faculty members, scientists, and collaborators, their aim to advance antimicrobial stewardship by preventing infectious diseases and keeping antimicrobial therapies safe, available, and effective is vitally important in coordinating One Health efforts.

“Our communities, our household pets, the animals raised to feed our families, healthcare that delivers services to us, and those guiding environmental practices are all connected,” said Paul Plummer, executive director, NIAMRRE. “With UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine joining NIAMRRE, we are able to increase the organization of resources, grow the assembly of people, and strengthen the coordination of ideas to move toward a healthier future for humans, animals, and the environment.”

Membership is available to academic institutions, industry companies, and affiliate stakeholders interested in cross-sector engagement to address global AMR challenges. Applications are accepted year-round for organizations dedicated to advancing the One Health approach—a collaborative approach to achieve optimal health outcomes between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.

For more information about UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, visit

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