
Member Spotlight Recap: SIDP Highlights IDPs Pivotal Role in AMR Prevention

By Nicole Reynolds posted 01-31-2024 09:50 AM


We recently got a glimpse into the critical work of professionals shaping the landscape of human healthcare. During the December Member Spotlight on the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists, Dr. Krista Jens, the System Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Manager at Alina Health and the PGY2 ID Residency Program Director at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, dove into the realm of infectious diseases pharmacists – an indispensable role to the healthcare ecosystem.

Unseen Guardians: Infectious Diseases Pharmacists

Dr. Jens shines a light on the often-misunderstood role of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (IDPs). Board-certified in pharmacotherapy and infectious diseases, Krista emphasizes the crucial role these professionals play in patient care. 

Why infectious diseases pharmacists are indispensable in healthcare? Beyond their expertise in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, these professionals are the go-to experts for antimicrobial, vaccine, and immunotherapy knowledge. They intervene not only in dosing and drug interactions but also in diagnosing infections and preventing unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions. Infectious diseases pharmacists collaborate with labs to ensure diagnostic stewardship, play a pivotal role in research and drug development, and act as advocates for patients and public policy changes.

As we navigate the evolving healthcare landscape, infectious diseases pharmacists emerge as advocates of antimicrobial knowledge, educators, and innovators who contribute significantly to the quality and safety of patient care.

The Multifaceted Role: More than Dosing and Drug Interactions

Dispelling the common perception of pharmacists as mere drug dispensers, Krista emphasized the multifaceted role of infectious diseases pharmacists. From overseeing antimicrobial stewardship programs to influencing drug policy changes, infectious diseases pharmacists actively shape the landscape of patient care. They serve as crucial educators across various healthcare disciplines, facilitating evidence-based practices and driving innovations in pharmaceutical development.

Infectious Diseases Pharmacists play a critical role in addressing the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). 

  • Optimizing Antibiotic Use: IDPs ensure the appropriate and effective use of antimicrobial agents. This involves selecting the right antibiotics for patients based on the type of infection, its severity, and the patient's individual factors. By optimizing antibiotic use, IDPs contribute to better patient outcomes and help prevent the development of resistance.
  • Antimicrobial Stewardship Leadership: IDPs often lead antimicrobial stewardship programs that promote the judicious use of antibiotics. They work with healthcare teams to develop and implement strategies that minimize unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions, reduce the risk of resistance, and improve overall patient care.
  • Research and Innovation: IDPs engage in research activities to advance our understanding of infectious diseases and improve treatment options. This includes studying pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antibiotics, exploring novel treatment approaches, and contributing to the development of guidelines for antibiotic use.
  • Advocacy for Responsible Antibiotic Use: IDPs advocate for policies and practices that support responsible antibiotic use. This involves collaborating with healthcare organizations, policymakers, and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the importance of combating AMR and implementing effective strategies.

Overview of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP)

SIDP is a dynamic organization that brings together pharmacists and allied health professionals dedicated to advancing infectious diseases pharmacy. 

  • Membership Diversity: With over 1,700 members, SIDP encompasses a diverse group of professionals, including pharmacists, physicians, public health experts, and nurses. While most are pharmacists, the organization embraces a multidisciplinary approach to address infectious diseases.
  • Global Reach: SIDP has grown significantly over the last 30 years and boasts approximately 80 international members. The organization takes a holistic and global approach in its mission to optimize patient care and combat infectious diseases.
  • Strategic Priorities: SIDP's strategic blueprint includes priorities such as communication, advocacy, education, research, and society operations. These priorities guide the organization's efforts to empower, innovate, and embrace a culture of integrity, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Educational Initiatives: SIDP is actively involved in education and practice, offering diverse, effective, and high-quality educational programs. These programs aim to empower pharmacists and healthcare professionals, contribute to the knowledge of the healthcare community, and advance responsible antibiotic use.
  • Interorganizational Engagement: SIDP collaborates with numerous organizations, both within and outside the field of pharmacy. These collaborations strengthen advocacy efforts, support the development of guidelines, and enhance the overall impact of SIDP on a national and international scale.

SIDP is a hub for infectious diseases pharmacy professionals, fostering collaboration, education, and advocacy to combat AMR and optimize patient outcomes globally.

The Society for Infectious Diseases Pharmacists and Infectious disease pharmacy professionals are a critical component to a sustainable One Health ecosystem and AMR prevention. Watch the recording of SIDP's Member Spotlight to learn more about the role of IDPs and how their expertise can help your efforts in AMR prevention.

