Conference Connections

When:  Jun 18, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (CT)
Associated with  NIAMRRE News and Events

The 2024 Conference is over but the connections made continue to grow. Join us June 18, Noon- 1 PM CST for a 1-hour virtual event where we’ll bring together attendees from the NIAMRRE 2024 Conference to: continue networking, building research teams, exploring takeaways from the education breakout, and providing ideas for future events! During registration indicate which breakout room you’d like to attend.

  • Research Breakout: Collaborate with members of your research team from the Conference Research Breakout session.
  • Education Breakout: Continue the conversation on creating educational resources across age groups, ask questions or share what you’ve put into practice since the conference.
  • General Networking: Reconnect with friends new and old from the conference. Chat about the conference, a new project, or organize a meetup!
  • Brainstorm: Do you have ideas for future NIAMRRE events? We’re always looking for new and impactful ideas.
