
NIAMRRE Announces 2020-2021 Advisory Council Chair, Vice Chair, and Council Members

By Erica Baker posted 12-20-2020 11:00 PM


The National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education (NIAMRRE), a member organization that drives cross-sector engagement and coordinated action to combat the global thread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), is pleased to announce the election of Rodney Moxley, DVM, PhD of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as chair of the Advisory Council, Daniel Czyz, PhD from the University of Florida as vice chair, and the appointment of 13 council members.

“The antimicrobial resistance crisis impacts every aspect of our lives and we must coordinate ideas to move toward a healthier future for humans, animals, and the environment,” said NIAMRRE Executive Director, Paul Plummer. “We have gathered accomplished multisectoral leaders to guide NIAMMRE through the current challenges of the global AMR situation and build resiliency to manage future challenges.”

The council has four foci: serve as the primary liaison between member organizations and the NIAMRRE Operations Center; provide input and advice on the institute’s strategic planning; work with the NIAMRRE Operations Center to execute strategic plans of the institute; and provide subject matter expertise necessary to drive efforts of NIAMRRE.

The 2020-2021 NIAMRRE Advisory Council includes Michael Pentella, PhD, D(ABMM) from the University of Iowa (State Hygienic Lab); Peter K. Dorhout, PhD, VPR from Kansas State University; Christine PetersenDVM, PhD from the University of Iowa; Daniel Czyz, PhD from the University of Florida; Catherine Logue, PhD, MIFST from the University of Georgia; Lois Hoyer, PhD of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Dr. Thomas Wittum, MS, PhD of The Ohio State University, Infectious Diseases Institute; Paula Cray, MS, MAS, PhD of North Carolina State University; Rodney Moxley, DVM, PhD of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Martha King, MA, MBA, SHRM-SCP from Farm Foundation; Joel Lennon-Meyer, BA from Sublime Stericeuticals; Justin Van Wert, BS from Distynct; and Terry Lehenbauer, DVM, MPVM, PhD from UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. The chair and vice chair began their terms on December 14, 2020.

For more information about NIAMRRE members, visit

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