Shannon Coleman

Cortney Price Headshot

Dr. Shannon M. Coleman, PhD

Associate Professor and State Extension Specialist at Iowa State University

Presentation: Bridging Gaps through Inter-Professional Practice and Behavior Change | May 15, 9:30 - 10:30 am ET

Presentation: Concurrent Facilitated Discussion Breakouts - Education | May 15, 1:00 - 2:45 pm

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Shannon Coleman received her bachelor's and master's degrees in Food Science and Technology from Alabama A&M University. She received her doctoral degree in Animal Science from Colorado State University. Coleman is an Associate Professor and State Extension Specialist in the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department at Iowa State University. Coleman's Extension and Outreach work includes developing and disseminating food safety curricula and resources for Iowa's emerging, very small, and small food manufacturers. Her research uses various evaluation theories to evaluate food manufacturers' attitudes, intentions, and behaviors toward following food safety practices. In addition, Coleman has expanded her outreach and research to fill gaps in improving food safety and the local food system from farm to table, including developing curriculum and resources for youth, adults, and gardeners.