Pre-Conference Workshop

Pre-Conference Workshop

Unleashing the Collaborative Power of Team Science

May 14, 9:00 - 11:00am ET

Many of the world’s most significant achievements can be attributed to effective research teams.
Join us for a pre-conference workshop dedicated to unleashing the collaborative power of Team
Science. Learn about tools and resources that can be used to build a high-functioning
interdisciplinary research team to pursue complex initiatives.

Participants will:

  • Network with other NIAMRRE members interested in cross-cutting collaborations
  • Engage in hands-on team-building exercises
  • Gain skills in building and facilitating multi-disciplinary research teams

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) remains among the world’s most critical challenges. Attend this
workshop to gain essential skills for leveraging team science to create breakthrough AMR-
related discoveries across the One Health spectrum.